Halloween Must-Haves for You and Your Children

Halloween is right around the corner and as if 2020 couldn’t get any scarier, we are looking at new territory this year! All Hallows Eve will happen but not as we once knew it thanks to the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. With Halloween parties and fright nights out of action this year, you may be dealing with some disappointed kids on your hands. Never fear, here at The Gift Project we encourage you to get creative this year and have just the stuff you need to do so!
Halloween Moody Pumpkin Arrangement
For many of us, visiting the pumpkin patch and picking out pumpkins is an annual tradition. With many places still on lockdown, we haven't been able to get out this year. Which means we haven’t been able to proudly display our carved pumpkins! But hear us out, what if you try something different this year? We have a gorgeous, spooky and unique Pumpkin arrangement delivered straight to your door from October 27th to ensure freshness for Halloween.
Bat Trick or Treat Bag
Frigging bats, we love Halloween! It’s looking more and more likely that neighborhood trick or treating will have to be socially distanced this year. As 2020 is the year of the eco-conscious, we have a wide range of trick or treat bags available on the site this year. Our favourite though? This Bat Trick or Treat bag! It can be folded small to fit into your handbag or pocket and is re-usable too!
Pumpkin - Parent & Kid T-shirt
Whether you’re doing some socially distanced trick or treating, or staying in with the family for a spooky marathon, this is the perfect outfit for a Halloween in lockdown! They will look fantastic on the family and make a great gift. Why not surprise mum?
For all you need this year for Halloween, check out our complete Halloween range!