12 Luxury Red Rose Hand Tied Bouquet - Dozen Red Roses
Gorgeous red roses are a classic for a reason, and these ones are specially selected for quality, just look at them!
A Dozen Red Rose Bouquet arranged with a selection of greenery and packaged in red cellophane. , The perfect gift for valentines, an anniversary, birthday or apology. , A beautiful bouquet of 12 red roses nestled in greenery.
Our florists choose The freshest flowers to ensure your flowers will stay beautiful for longer. All flowers arrive in bud for maximum freshness and longevity, flowers can take a few days to open as shown in our images.
Flowers Made by Us and Delivered by Us - No Interlay service used, so you know the quality of flowers and arragenements you receive with no extra fees. Need some help? Please contact us directly by email or phone and our dedicated florists will do there best to assist you.
Send as a gift, arrives with a matching card and your personal message hand written by our florists (no invoice will be sent) If no message is left at check out we will include a blank card for you to write yourself.